Friday, January 16, 2009

Prayer Needed

A very dear blog buddy had this on her blog and I wanted to pass it on. I am copying and pasting from A Purpose Driven Life.

"A tragic situation is going on over at A Place Called Simplicity. This amazing family just brought home 2 children from Uganda and are in the process of bringing home a special needs daughter from China. This morning their house burned to the ground. Thankfully all the children got out in time... praise the Lord!!Please keep them in your prayers, Linn and her family needs the support of the adoption community now more than ever. For updates and to help this family, visit Lori's blog.(Thanks Stefanie- I copied and pasted this from your blog although I had heard about this from another friend first)PS- please copy this and paste it on your blogs if you have them! Let's get the body of Christ moving for these people! They have lost everything but each other and with six children still at home and one little one still waiting to come to their family from China...there will be much to replace. Please please say an extra prayer for the two newest family members from Uganda that this scary experience will not impair their bonding."


Anonymous said...

How awful! I will pray for this family.

Life Adapted said...

Hey :)De,I checked out the blog and will be reading it when time allows, thanks for sharing this. What an amazing family! God's got a plan for them for sure.
Pop-Pop is not doing well. He got pretty sick at the nursing home, we're just waiting for them give us a go ahead to bring him back here for a visit.
Be blessed.