Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some Review

Last week we had to do some major catching up in both 2nd and 6th grade. We also tried to get just a bit ahead so that we could maybe extend our spring break. We are so looking forward to going to London, Ontario and staying here.

2nd grade is learning to borrow for subtraction

Pre-K is able to write all of the letters from Handwriting Without Tears so far and is starting to write his high frequency words from memory.

I blocked it out, but he is also starting to write his middle name on all of his papers. It's funny because most times the line is not long enough and he always draws more line that curves down the side of the paper.

6th grade is not wanting to admit it, but she has enjoyed the adding, subtracting and reducing of fractions in math class. She has been working hard to avoid doing her science projects. I told her that if she put the same amount of energy towards getting them done as she does to avoid them, she would be done with most. So far we have done one on emulsion, color wheels and spectrum's and we are doing a 4 week study on the change of shadows with the seasons. It involves taping a piece of paper on the floor at the exact same spot, at the exact same time of day once a week for 4 weeks and marking the sun and shadows. We have done it for 2 weeks and can already see the changes as winter gives way to spring.