Lisa over at Life In the Grateful House is looking for a young lady by the name of Elisabeth (Liz) that may live in the Kansas area.
Lisa writes:
"Wondering does anyone read my blog from Kansas? In 2007 I made several inquiries about a girl named Elizabeth (Liz). She was almost 16 then and she wanted a family. I sent my study several times, filled out paperwork that was sent to me and never heard anything back. I assumed that we were not chosen for her and they had found her a family. Friday night I found out that she aged out of the system without ever having have someone claim her. It just about broke my heart. I would really like to find her. If nothing else to let her know that there was a family that wanted her and that tried their very best to be her family. To show up, to be a touch stone, to have someone to count on. I tried sending an email to her worker and leaving a message on her voicemail. Email was returned and the voicemail didn't work.If anyone has any connections in DCFS in Kansas please email me. Please. I'm begging shamelessly. If anyone would link this or put out requests on their blogs I would be so eternally grateful. The more people that read about her the greater the chance that I may find her or someone to talk to in Kansas. Praying so anyway...."
Lisa is a wonderful mother that has a big heart for children. If you don't live or know anyone from the Kansas area, would be willing to link her post to your blog. Working together...