Monday, January 3, 2011

Progress Reports and Fire Drill

Progress reports:

3rd Grade
7th Grade


January 1, 2011. 10:50 pm

Studies have recently said that you have an average of 3 minuets to get out. So that is our base goal. These are our times from when the alarm started to reaching the patio door.

3rd grade: 20 seconds
7th grade: 32 seconds
Kindergarten: 3 mins 45 seconds after having his name called and told, "Fire!" He also stopped to put on his slippers,  so... he gets to practice again.

My public safety message: check your batteries, practice escape routes, stay safe!!

Starting Up

We are starting back to school tomorrow and the kids went to bed early with excitement. I on the other hand cannot get to sleep...again. ~Sigh~

We really had a nice holiday and as always... d*llar st*re Christmas was fantastic! I even splurged this year and bought everyone 2 or 3 things. Woo hoo! Spent $27!

Never did complete progress reports for 1st semester, but everyone is doing well.

Gonna try to go to bed again.