Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Bells Toll No More!

Our school schedule has 8 class periods which helps us to have an end point for each class. When I started HSing, we just did language arts until it was done and then math until it was done (which sometimes took forever to get done and so nothing else would get done). Thus our schedule.

I searched the Internet for a bell system that would meet our needs and finally found the Invisible Clock II. I love it and it is funny because sometimes when the children are in the middle of a lesson that is tough and the bell rings, they cheer and rush away for break; "saved by the bell." It works for me too when I am teaching a lesson (that I have repeated); when the bell rings I take great delight in rushing them out of the classroom, telling them that their next hour's teacher will be upset if they are late. (If you play crazy enough, they'll leave ya alone LOL)

Anyway... for the last few days of school, we will have free schedule. The bells are turned off and the battery will be removed for safe storage until fall ... and we chug along.