Monday, January 25, 2010

Dem Bones

Pre-K is studying bones and skeletons in science class this week. For science this year I am kinda using the Little Otter Science for preschoolers by following the suggested weekly themes and borrowing the suggested books from the library while making up our own worksheets. This week we are reading the book, "Young Genius: Bones" by Kate Lennard and Pre-K really likes the book. Today he cut out a skeleton and used little brads for the head, arms and legs. The skeleton's name is, Woody.

I do joint compressions and massages with Jackson. During this time, I have started naming parts of the skeleton along with the names of body parts that are not mentioned as often such as ankles, wrist, hips and jaw, etc... I am surprised at how well he is learning the names of bones and I find I have to do my homework to keep up with what he can learn. ~Smile_