Monday, July 23, 2012

Splash Pad...Pffffttttt

The county park that houses the splash pad that we enjoy used to be free on Mondays. This year the free day is Wednesday, the same day as the free library shows so we have not been out there this year. So many free little time. LOL! Anyway, The kids were dressed in their swim suits today to play in the water in the back yard and I had to run an errand so just threw them in the car. On the way home, we drove by our local baseball team stadium which has this fountain out front.

Of course, I was laughing and grinning too much to remember to take pictures.


Fatcat said...

I love that you are the kind of mom who will just spontaneously do things like that. I'm sure your kids love it too!

Hevel said...

I never understood the fountain things. Maybe I'm too European for that. :D YOu just don't jump into a 16th century fountain. :D

:)De said...


I should think that the sight of us skipping through a 16th century fountain would draw much more attention than that of a Class A baseball team's stadium :)

Annie said...

SO unhappy that Hawk Island isn't free anymore! Unfortunately, our means are such that we can't really go if we have to pay, so we haven't been there this year. :( BUT - I just discovered they were charging on weekdays! I didn't realize that there was a free day - so THANKS!

Annie said...

Hevel - in movies people jump into 16th century fountains! I thought that was the point.

Hevel said...

Annie, if you tried doing that if you are not a movie star.... you'd be in trouble!