Monday, April 2, 2012

Bulletin Board & Seedlings

Photography by Jackson

Good day today for most. PS is on spring break so Jeanna is home this week and schooling as we don't have our spring break until later in the month. We also had an extra PS kid as I am sitting for a friend's kid because of spring break. I was gonna let him have a free day and just play while we worked, but I noticed right away that he came dressed in our school uniform and his dad said that he would be attending school today and that he would be working on mixed subtraction and addition problems as well as analog time telling. Ha Ha. Dad had spoken! I pulled out an extra desk and chair. LOL! He did very well today with out much redirection at all and I gave dad a good report for today. I was only going to be keeping him for 2 days this week, but his mom called this evening and asked if he could come the other days as well. He is a funny and smart little boy that has a hard time at school.... he just needs his expectations laid out for him and then he does very well.

I started some of my seedlings today. I started some peppers (the carnival mix) and my Roma tomatoes. The peppers were so good last time. They were sweet and pretty. I have not been out to get the garden boxes outside cleaned yet. My backyard holds lots of water and it is so muddy back there I have been avoiding it, except we had a nice fire in the fire pit last week. It was so wet I was not worried about flying embers.

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