Friday, December 5, 2008

Science...Weather Permitting

10th grade has a science project to look at pond water through the microscope. I knew about this project from the beginning of the school year, but I thought it was later in the school year. If you have seen the pictures from my post, Recess, then you know that getting pond water would be very difficult for us right now. LOL! Luckily, I have a relative that lives "down South." They have promised to send us some, but we shall see.

I told 10th grade that he can always tell his teacher that he tried to do his assignment, but it froze!


Anonymous said...

Ugh I envy where you live! We are "down south" and we got snow ONE day this year -- in March! We are praying for another DAY of it next year! I am sure there are downsides to your weather (like frozen science projects!) but I would love to have a spring vacation home out there! (wherever "there" is!)

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's some snow there! My sons would love to come over. :)

Life Adapted said...

My kids love when the weather cooperates with them not having to do a planned project. Tell your son to look at snowflakes under a magnifying glass - it's not easy but if you're quick it works. Get black construction paper, put in the freezer and when it snows, pull it out and collect snowflakes. The cold paper keeps them from melting too quickly and the black background make it easy to see the shapes. I posted a picture of a snowflake my son took last winter and today I posted a picture of my backyard - see how much it looks like yours. Be so very blessed dear one.