Monday, December 8, 2008

5th grade has been studying cells. Today she looked at skin cells from her hand. To prepare her slides, she scraped cells from the palms of her hands, from her finger tips and from under her nails. We placed the specimens on slides with a drop of water and slide covers. These are drawings of what we saw:

Let's just say that when we saw what was under her fingernails that we all said a dramatic, "EEEWWWWW" and discussed again the importance of hand washing and not biting our fingernails.


Robin said...

Hi De - I'm all for handwashing frequently... You don't even want to know my process of washing while out...

If you want you can post your email address either in your comments or in mine and I will email pictures of our newest blessing. I'm so in love...

I haven't decided what I'm sharing on my blog yet... I'm working on writing something up, but don't have much time - seems I'm either nursing or changing diapers or doing laundry - not doing well on the rest thing...

Robin said...

oops forgot to log in first... so I get the replies...

MOM #1 said...

EWWW indeed! Baby Boy has been experimenting with making his own slides, we're keenly aware of a lot of bodily functions that I'm sure the Lord meant to keep secret, LOL.

Just FYI, for a better view of homemade slides, try a drop of iodine or methylene blue for a sharper contrast. The secret scientist inside will be unleashed!

:)De said...

LOL to secret bodily functions! Thx for the tip...we will try the iodine.
