Saturday, November 8, 2008

We Made It!!

We are in beautiful Nassau and it was quite a nice experience traveling with 4 children. They were very cooperative and excited. We were so tired as we drove 5 hours to my brother's house near the Kentucky/Covington Airport as it is cheaper to fly from a bigger city than our own and there is usually a straight flight to Nassau from Covington. Our flight left at 6:30 am and we arrived 11:57am. The children always wear their swimsuits under their clothes so as soon as we get out of the taxi, say our "Howdy's", they are in the pool or in the ocean.

Pics tomorrow... Must sleep!


MOM #1 said...

Nassau! How heavenly!

Be sure to take many photos.

Have a marvelous time.

MOM #1 said...


Love the new header, it's breathtaking. I heart beaches to pieces.

Life Adapted said...

:)De, you made it, yippee!! You must write often, it is sad, but I must live vicariously through you and your family as we will not be able to take a trip for a while. Soak up those rays and be blessed.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so green over here! LOL!
but you deserve it. Hope you had a blast!:)

Robin said...

Very cool - I hope they (and you) had a blast!