Monday, February 25, 2008

"Matthew" by Jeffrey

9th grade had to write a short paragraph on the disciple Matthew. The question was: Write a short paragraph about Matthew’s life before and after he met Jesus.

“Hello my name is Matthew; I was born in Galilee. Alphaeus is my father. Some people call me “the Levi” but then Jesus changed my name to Matthew. Matthew means “the gift of Yahweh”. I started off to be a tax collector. I had some problems. I took money from my own people and was very greedy. I was not an honest man when it came to money. I was already making enough money for me and my family, but I still charged people extra for their taxes and kept the money for myself. Then one day, a man I did not know told me to become his disciple. He looked me in the eye and told me to follow Him. So I stopped what I was doing and followed Him to be a disciple. Some people think that I was the author of a gospel called Matthew. I first did my writings in Greek and wrote mostly to the Jews. The last thing I did was to preach for 30 more years after Christ died.”

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