I am thinking about putting bats in my backyard. The "mus-kee-toes" as my kids call them are out in full force and I hate using pesticides where they play. Besides the fact that the mosquitoes in my neighborhood seem to be Bl*ck Fl*g Addicts and sit at the bar like its happy hour waiting for me to spray, so I have been researching the use of bats. I know I don't have many readers, but have any of you ever had bats on purpose? (Not the kind in your belfry, I've had those kind for years now LOL!)
My mom bought the kids yet another yard toy today from Disc*very K*ds; an In flat able Sprink ler Gl*be. I think I will count this as history and geography!
My mom bought the kids yet another yard toy today from Disc*very K*ds; an In flat able Sprink ler Gl*be. I think I will count this as history and geography!