Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our Classroom

We used to do school at the dining room table, but after increasing in size (I have a small dining table) we moved to the living room, but I still use the wood paneled wall for poster and things because I don't care about putting holes in it. This is our poster wall which holds our menu, household rules, posters and our bulletin board which Pre-k uses for Circle time. He has learned the days of the week already and loves putting a sticker on each new day.

2nd grade is pleased to have Spanish class this year using the Rosetta Stone program.


Anonymous said...

I love bulletin boards! And I like the idea of putting a sticker on the day of the week. I'm going to use that! My 1st grader is behind on his calendar skills (and a lot of other things God bless him). Hey we are using Rosetta Stone too!!!! It's so easy! I am doing it too...when I have time. I hope it works...!!!

MOM #1 said...

Rosetta Stone is so much fun! We used to use it free from our library, but they discontinued it. I can't bring myself to pay for it . . . so no more Rosetta Stone for us.

We'll have to set up an internet chat to practice our Spanish on each other. Hopefully we won't accidentally call each other any indecent names, LOL.