Sunday, March 8, 2009

As Seen On TV

My mother tells me that my grandmother always loved buying stuff from the t.v. My brother and I love laughing at the advertising tactics used to sell items today: Like the guy with the headset selling really absorbent towels....hilarious!

This weekend, my brother bought me and my mother Snuggies! I love it and have had so much fun reaching for things while staying warm inside. LOL!!

Sometimes.... it's fun to splurge on nonsense.


MOM #1 said...

Oh my goodness! I laugh at those Snuggie commercials all the time. I think they look like backwards robes, LOL.

I'm glad you're enjoying yours, though. That's all that matters.

Stay warm! ;-)

The Accidental Mommy said...

I LOVE as seen on tv! Probably cuz I watch too much of it. They get so jazzed up on the commercials, you gotta want one!

Life Adapted said...

I'm always a sucker for the "only ten minutes left!" line. It gets me all jazzed up, but I resist the urge. . .thankfully. . .otherwise my house would be loaded with stuff I don't need. Love those Snuggies commercials though - my husband and I get a kick out of those. Where were they when I took the kids to ice-skating lessons??
Be blessed.