Monday, February 23, 2009

"My Big Brown Pony" by James


Anonymous said...

So cute. What a good teacher! I am so burned out on homeschooling, I'm ready for the semester to end probably more than my kids! Ugh.... :)

Life Adapted said...

:)De, how cute! Looks like I've got some competition for my story writing. . .
I would always tell my kids that when they went to sleep I wanted them to think of puppies and ponies. I encouraged them to think of cute p & P stories and they fell asleep with innocent thoughts. Very few nightmares in my house. Now that we have TV again I am forever closing my eyes at the nasty commercials and saying over and over again, "puppie and ponies, puppies and ponies. . . "

junglemama said...

Love it! What an artist!