Friday, September 19, 2008

In the Classroom....

We have just completed our 3rd week of school and things are GREAT! Everyone is pleased with their grades, 5th and 10th grade is ahead of schedule in their classwork and 1st grade is right where he should be in his Lifepacs (and so happy to be home this year.) We love going to the YMCA for gym class because there is absolutely no one else there. We have the whole basketball court, skating rink and skateboard park to ourselves.

Questions about why the kids are not in school during school hours:

We went to one of those stores where things can be purchased for $1 or less (Hee hee hee) to purchase some of our cleaning supplies and my 10th grader ran in to get the items. He has shopped at this store frequently. The cashier upon recognizing him said, "Why are you always in the store during school hours? Don't you go to school?" He reports that he said without missing a beat, "I am in school." (as he accepted his change and receipt) "This is math class!"

That's my boy! LOL


MOM #1 said...

That goes in the best answer hall of fame. Good for him! (And good for you, too.)

Anonymous said...

Way to go. I usually say the same thing! We ARE in school! LIFE is our classroom...isn't it great!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are off to a great start. I love your son's response. You have taught him well. ;)

Elspeth said...

Loved his answer to the clerk. Priceless!

junglemama said...

Neat story. But question for you. IF you homeschool and are single, how do you do it? What a blessing!

:)De said...

Christine, thanks for visiting. I am so blessed it blows my mind sometimes. I had become very ill 4 years ago and was let go from my job while out on a sick leave. I thought it was over for us. But God just opened this floodgate of blessings for us. My then 6 years said one day that she would pray for my mailbox to bring me more "bills". I thought, "NO!!!" LOL! but she meant cash and I started getting old rebate checks, over-payemnt checks and cash from people who I had loaned money to years back that I had forgotten about.

Being fired seemed like the worst thing in the world that could have happened, but it was the event that I needed in my life to learn about faith. Being home then allowed me to complete my Masters Degree and now I have a small private practice (idividual and some family therapy.) My church has rented me office space for just $10 LOL! God is just too good.

Sorry for such a long answer... I just get happy when I get a chance to tell how Faithful God is!


P.S. God still blesses my mailbox! My kids cheer and clap with anticipation when the mailman comes (He thinks we are nuts LOL)

mary grace said...

LOVE that comment! Smart boy you have there! :-)

Life Adapted said...

Wow! What a testimony (read your response to Christine). Don't you love when God schools us :)

Your son is clever - the apple doesn't fall from the tree. Also, love the pictures of the spelling test on the sidewalk. Wish I had thought of that. Keep up the good work.

Be so blessed.

Anonymous said...

That is OK! You are not the first to get my name wrong!!


Robin said...

Love the quick comment :)

Robin said...

I was just reading through the comments - I have a Masters in counseling also and homeschool my children, but I'm not working at this point. I would someday like to do counseling out of a church. I have a little one due in 8 weeks give or take a week or I'm focused on the kids now.

Your work sounds PERFECT! I'm so glad God provided for you so beautifully!