Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cable T.V., The Poor Defenseless Children & the Iditarod

I have cable television. It is a left over from the days when I worked outside of the home. I often complain about the high price I pay for the little amount of channels that I watch, but the features that I do use: ON Demand and the commercial free Music Choice, keep me hooked. The children do not get to watch television freely. They are only allowed about 3 -5 hours per month. I know, I know... they need a lawyer, the poor underprivileged things. I try to preview what they watch, so we use the ON Demand movies on weekends. I see it first... which means I see it twice. Sigh....What dedication!!

Last week, we started a unit on the Iditarod and it has been a hit. On Thursday, I was not feeling well and decided to have a pajama, flex-day. We stayed in our pj's and they could pick the classes they attended for that day. The t.v. was on as I usually use the Music Choice channels to play Jazz, Classical or Holiday music during school time. On this day, I hit the guide button just to see what was on during the day. One of the first channels I came to was an educational channel that was showing a series called Japan Land Journeys. It caught our eye and we watched what turned out to be the last 20 mins. of the show. It was interesting and as the children were thanking me for the morsel of television, the preview for the next show began playing. It was a documentary on a very well known (of course I can't remember his name now) photographer for the Iditarod. What a great show that ended up being as the children got to see video and grand photography of the mountains and terrain of Alaska. It was right on time for a great pajama, flex-day.


Mostly Sunny said...

Your rottie looks as interested in the lesson as some of my students do! He is a cutie, though. I know a woman who does rottie rescue, and I love seeing her posed pics of all of them. She has one where there's about 5-6 of them around her pool and on the diving board, all wearing sun glasses. I don't know how she got them all to sit still for that. Must be a gift!

Anonymous said...

Tell your kids we have no cable TV, just a small round antenna that allows us to watch 5 stations (they all look like the Iditarod because of the "snow" on the screen). They don't need a lawyer, just a thank you card for their parents who are helping them keep pure. Keep up the good work.
Life Adapted

Marcia C said...

Was the name of the photographer Jeff Schultz? He's awesome! I would have liked to have seen the show. I'm having my sister tape the Versus program on the Iditarod, since we don't get that channel.