Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to friends and family. I am, as always, amazed at how time flies. And what a great way to start the year out with digging ourselves out of several inches of snow.

How did you celebrate the new year?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's us again!

We celebrated New Year as a family by attending Mass at our church and inviting Grandma and Grandpa over for dinner. We initially were going to just spend some quiet time at home enjoying a l-o-n-g family nap. However, we thought it would be special to have Grandma and Grandpa over--and it was!! Auntie cooked chicken, yams, greens, green beans, corn, etc. and baked an apple pie. We ended the night dancing in the living room with Grandma and Grandpa listening to one of our favorite songs by Father Stan (a Hip Hop Priest from New York) entitled, "Go Tell It On the Mountain" (that Jesus Christ is Born!!!). Love ya!