We made it! Today was our last day and we are ready for a much needed summer break. We have our award ceremony tomorrow where the children will receive their certificates of completion and promotion. They also get certificates for returning school supplies, completing homework and having the neatest desk.
This year, we had a new reward system that was found on the
edhelper.com site (and modified a great deal to meet my needs) where the children received custom-made checks from the "First Bank of MHS" in some pretty significant amounts. It was explained that they could turn in that check at the end of the school year for legal tender, however, discipline, citizenship and grade problems would result in fees being paid out of the student's checking account. These checks were made out to the school leader which in turn will be "drafted" against the students original reward check, leaving a final reward amount. Let's just say that cash motivates my crew! LOL Only a few fees were incurred throughout the school year.
During our 2 1/2 week break, we are going camping and look forward to time away from the classroom. The summer session will begin June 26th with 4 half days per week.
Thanks to all my "cyber-friends" for all of the support given for this past school year. I have learned a great deal from you all.